Fathers in a Dynamic Age Efforts of Provider in Early Novels of George Eliot


  • Tahira Jabeen Assistant Professor, University of AJ&K, Muzaffarabad
  • Nadeem Haider Bukhari Professor, University of AJ&K, Muzaffarabad
  • Muntzar Mehdi 3Assistant Professor, NUML, Islamabad


Fathers, Nineteenth Century, George Eliot


The studies of fatherhood historically, sociologically, and in literary discourses, received growing attention at the end of the twentieth century. The fathers of nineteenth century Britain attracted scholars in particular as the role of fatherhood then changed dramatically due to the Industrial Revolution. Fathers as providers for the family had to cope with the changing economic and social phenomenon of the time. The change brought by the industrial Revolution and the anxieties generated by this change, were depicted in memoirs and memories, fiction and other writings. This study aims to explore the depiction of anxieties, struggles and effort of fathers in the novels by George Eliot. The study focuses on the presentation of the father’s role in Eliot’s novels across the time and space, with the help of comprehensive and interdisciplinary supporting literary, social, and historical resources from the Victorian age. Furthermore, by showing the damage done by the Industrial Revolution in undermining the role of fatherhood, it intends to shed light on how Victorians yearned for the ideal father.





