Underlying constructs of L2 reading motivation of adult L2 learners of English in Pakistan
L2 reading, motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, underlying constructs, Pakistani L2 English learnersAbstract
Reading motivation is not a unitary concept. Various research investigations have showed connection between reading motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) and reading behaviors. However, there is no agreement among L2 reading researchers about the constructs that characterize reading motivation of L2 learners. Using the revised version of Komiyama`s (2009) MREQ, two hundred undergraduate and graduate level learns of English in Pakistan were investigated. The data was analyzed through factor analysis (Principle Component Analysis with Promax Oblique Rotation). Results indicated that L2 reading motivation of adult L2 learners of English in Pakistan is composed of eight constructs or dimensions i.e. Competition, recognition, grades, social, extrinsic test compliance (factors that characterize extrinsic motivation) and curiosity, preference for challenge and involvement (factors that compose intrinsic motivation). The findings of the study suggest that Wang and Guthrie’s (2004) eight-dimensional framework of reading motivation taps and explains L2 reading motivation better and more clearly in Pakistani context.